Saturday, May 30, 2015

PCT Hiking Week 4: A Week of Sunsets

"Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination" - The Way of Kings

My perception of the passage of time is one of the most interesting things to ponder out here. It's hard to recall where I slept two nights ago, simply because I've been in a different place every night for the past month, some of them rather strange.

I've had to trim my fingernails twice, and my beard is becoming noticeably bushier. I've gotten quite a few compliments on it recently. Other than that, every day feels brand new.

Another nice sunset, note the beard..

 It's all an awesome part of this overall journey. At 4 weeks in, there are days when hiking feels like work. 20 mile days are very long... but the sunsets still seem to tie everything together, and the company of others is always good. I've got to keep the mindset of experiencing the journey, not seeking the end destination.

Hanging out at Casa de Luna trail house

 This week was particularly spectacular in terms of sunsets, with a final bang on top of Mt. Baden-Powell. I only missed one sunset this week, while stuffing my face full of $1.50 tacos and beer in the town of Wrightwood at mi 363.

Sunset outside Cajon pass with cloud rainbow

I suppose the strangest thing to realize at this time, is that it's feeling more like a day to day living experience now, rather than a vacation. If I make it all the way to Canada, I still have 4 months to go after all... hell, I'm not even halfway through California yet. Humbling indeed.

Pretty simple directions, how hard could it be?

Anyway, check out the newest scenes below or via youtube.




  1. Linda commented how nice it is that you are sharing your trip with us. It really is nice of you to show us a small bit of your experience. So far a favorite life lesson is your comment "experiencing the journey, not seeking the end destination." We all need to think about that from time to time.
    Keep it up. Looking forward to the next posting. Looks like a long slog across the hot valley awaits before you reach the Sierra Nevada.

    1. Haha, yep.. one more long hot stretch before the Sierra. Almost like you have to earn it by hiking through the desert! :)

  2. Prety cool to say the least....and big macs to boot. Hang in there as care packages are actively being prepared. P.S. - I hear tacos and beer are a cure for shin splints!!

    1. Haha, tacos and beer are a cure for something! Psychological boost if nothing else - same with the big mac. :)

  3. Hey bro! Two things - 1. Awesome Sanderson quote, definitely something to live by. 2. Awesome beard!
    Also, you are surprisingly good at this blogging stuff - good commentary interspersed with wry imagery - keep it up!
